St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church
Grand Island, New York

News From LIFT (Ladies In Faith Together)

The women of St. Martin’s have been meeting on Zoom during the pandemic. In spite of

not being able to be together in person, we are committed to continuing our service and

outreach within and outside the walls of the church. Here’s what we’ve been up to and

what we are planning…


*This summer we purchased and maintained the flower planters at the front doors of the



* We had a 4 week online Ladies Bible Discussion called Serendipity.


* We cooked and delivered a dinner to Fr. Nick and Ashley.


* We have been contacted by the GI Neighbors Foundation to help. They are

low on supplies and have asked if we could collect the following items:


Collection will take place for the next 4 Sundays, through Oct.18.


* Next meeting on Zoom is Monday, October 5. All Ladies are warmly invited. If you

don’t think you are on our email list, contact Beth Boron. We will have a

short business meeting, then Melodie will guide us in a fun art activity - we will make a

Zentangle. No artistic ability required, all you need is paper, pencil, and a thin line

marker. We hope you will join us!