St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church
Grand Island, New York


The St Martin’s Choir season begins again with our first rehearsal September 8th. If you are a singer, would like to be a singer, or like to be around singers, please consider joining our friendly and enthusiastic group! The choir season runs from September through mid-June. We rehearse most Sundays from 08:45am-9:45am, and sing for the 10am Sunday service approximately twice a month. For more

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Join us for two outdoor services with special music under our new pavilion! Sunday, July 28 and August, 11 at 9am Please bring your own chair.

Purchase pre-sale tickets here:

LIFT is hosting a Lockport Locks & Canal Cruise. Everyone is invited! Spouses and Friends Too! Wednesday, July 24th – 5:30pm,  210 Market St, Lockport, NY. $53.00 per person includes dinner and tip. Cash Bar. (Roast Beef on Weck, Chicken Wings, Antipasto Platter, Assorted potato skins and pizzas). There is a sign up sheet in the Narthex. Please see Melodie McEvoy for more details and

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